Night wakings: A guide for the science-minded parent

© 2022 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved

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Dark wakings have a bad reputation, and no wonder. Just near everybody has experienced it: awakening spontaneously in the center of the nighttime, unable to autumn back to sleep.

If y'all are a parent, you also know what information technology's similar when somebody else keeps waking you upwards. A hungry babe, a crying toddler, a worried child.

When morning arrives, you don't feel restored and energetic. Not if your sleep has been too fragmented. Non if you spent also much time awake.

So you might conclude that dark wakings are unnatural, unhealthy — a sign that something has gone wrong. Merely science doesn't support this idea.

Aye, night wakings can be associated with sleep deprivation and other health bug. If night wakings are causing strife and distress, you need to find means to improve the situation.

Simply dark wakings aren't — by themselves — unnatural or unhealthy.

On the reverse, it's normal for good for you sleepers to feel many arousals from sleep during the night. An adult or child who didn't feel these arousals would be a freak of nature. Or a patient in a coma.

Night wakings are a flake similar those unconscious movements nosotros experience at dark. If yous motility effectually too much, information technology tin can become confusing. Just if you don't move enough, you put yourself at risk for serious problems.Musculus and tendon strains from remaining in the same position too long. Compressed and damaged nerves. Bedsores.

In the case of night wakings, they protect the brain from sinking too far into deep sleep: They help ensure that slumber is reversible.

They as well allow u.s. to continue tabs on the environment, so nosotros tin can react more quickly in the event of an emergency. What'due south that sound?

And they make u.s. more responsive to urgent, internal threats — like a breathing problem (Halász et al 2004; Eckert and Younes 2014).

Thus, night wakings aren't the enemy of a skillful night's sleep. Our goal shouldn't be to eliminate them. Instead, nosotros should focus on making dark wakings less confusing, and addressing the problems that prevent us from falling dorsum to slumber.

How exercise we exercise this? Information technology isn't piece of cake, especially if you've learned to dread or resent night wakings. It pumps up your stress levels, which makes information technology harder to sleep. The outcome is what doctors call psychophysiological insomnia. Yous've (inadvertently) taught your encephalon to respond to dark wakings by becoming more than alert and vigilant.

Simply agreement the science of sleep tin assistance. It can provide yous with a more realistic, reassuring view of nighttime wakings. And it offers practical insights for improving sleep quality.

In the remainder of this commodity, I review the following:

  • Why nobody truly "sleeps through the dark"
  • Why spending fourth dimension awake at night isn't intrinsically bad, or against homo nature
  • Why babies wake up then often
  • How to manage night wakings in young infants
  • More tips for coping with disruptive nighttime wakings in children and adults

Night wakings: Why nobody truly "sleeps through the night"


Perhaps you lot've heard parents brag that their children are "sleeping through the night." This isn't happening in your family, and you're wondering what'due south wrong.

Your babe seems to be a light sleeper. She's hands angry at dark and (when things go really difficult) she seems capable of waking upward every 60 minutes.

Or peradventure you take an older child, and wonder why he keeps waking up in the middle of the nighttime.

Is a medical condition causing these wakings? It's possible. Equally I note below, there are conditions — like obstructive sleep apnea and gastroesophageal reflux disease — that can trigger dark wakings.

Does your child suffer from a sleep disorder? That's possible too.

Merely it's important to sympathize that nighttime wakings are a regular feature of normal, healthy sleep.

Nobody truly "sleeps through the nighttime," not if we mean by this phrase "sleeping continuously in ane, long, uninterrupted tour."

When scientists monitor people sleeping in the laboratory — using electroencephalograms (EEGs) — they ostend that slumberisn't a monolithic land.

Instead, we wheel through a series of slumber stages (including light slumber, deep sleep, and REM, or rapid-eye move sleep). And cortical arousals — transitions into increased wakefulness — are mutual.

How common?

In a study conducted in the United States, researchers used electroencephalograms (EEGs) to measure the sleep behavior of 76 salubrious adults between the ages of 18 and seventy. Across all historic period groups,sleepers averaged 80 to 130 arousals in a unmarried night (Bonnet and Arand 2007).

To exist clear, people aren't waking up "all the way" every time they experience a cortical  arousal. Oft, they are shifting from deep sleep into light slumber. Or from REM into low-cal sleep.

But once we're in light sleep, nosotros're easily awakened. And EEG studies confirm that many arousals practise result in our waking upward "all the way."

The average adult may feel more than 20 such awakenings each nighttime — and more 40 nightly awakenings after the age of l (Bonnet and Arand 2007).

We don't remember all these awakenings considering most are very brief. We rapidly resume sleeping, and form no memory trace.

But what if something attracts our attending during these fleeting moments of consciousness? What if nosotros hear something? What if think of something that worries or stimulates us?

Instead of drowsing off, we become more vigilant, more alert. Voluntarily or involuntarily, we cease up spending a considerable stretch of time awake.

So every normal, momentary shift into waking has the potential to become a lengthy episode of sleeplessness. And it's this scenario — condign alert for an extended catamenia at dark — that you may want to avoid.

Even so even hither not everybody agrees.

Y'all might take it for granted that you aresupposed to slumber in one, long, continuous, nocturnal bout. Failure to practice so is undesirable. Perhaps fifty-fifty pathological. This is a common folk belief in mod, Western societies.

But in other cultural settings, people take a very dissimilar view. They accept that slumber will include interruptions, and they don't perceive these interruptions to exist unhealthy or pathological (Worthman and Melby 2002).

I call back information technology's helpful to empathize this, fifty-fifty if you embrace minimal sleep interruption every bit a goal. Considering it's harder to minimize interruptions when you lot're convinced that fourth dimension spent awake is a pathology.

If you believe that dark wakings are intrinsically bad, you're more than likely to feel stressed when yous realize that yous've awakened at night. This makes it harder to fall dorsum to sleep.

You lot're as well more likely to transmit negative feelings to your child — making information technology harder for your child to autumn back to sleep.

And, in the long run, you're more likely to chronic slumber difficulties — the learned, psychophysiological insomnia that I mentioned before.

So permit's have a closer look. How do people exterior the bubble of Western, industrialized societies anticipate slumber?

The anthropology of nighttime wakings: Why spending time awake at dark isn't intrinsically bad (or confronting man nature)


There's no doubt about it. Nosotros're basically diurnal creatures — adjusted for maximizing activity during the daytime.

Merely that doesn't mean we need to sleep continuously from dusk to dawn. You lot already know that. And cantankerous-cultural research demonstrates that human being slumber patterns are flexible and variable.

For example, consider the work of Roger Ekirch. He has uncovered fascinating historical evidence about sleep habits in pre-industrial Europe. People didn't lie downwardly at night and expect to get all their sleeping done in a unmarried tour. Instead, they went to slumber in the evening for a few hours, woke upwards, and engaged in activities. Then, an hour or two afterwards, they resumed sleeping until forenoon (Ekirch 2005).

Did people call back they were suffering from insomnia? Far from it. They took it for granted that this was a expert style to cope with long nights (Ekirch 2005).

Similarly, people living in a variety of non-Western, traditional cultures have been known to take their slumber in multiple sessions (Worthman and Melby 2002; Samson et al 2017b). And they don't pathologize night wakings. Even if they end upwards spending a considerable amount of fourth dimension awake, they view their slumber habits as normal.


For case, when anthropologists measured sleep in three traditional foraging societies, they confirmed that adults woke up multiple times during the night. The full elapsing of this waking fourth dimension — what researchers call "wake after slumber onset" – averaged 80 minutes or longer (Yetish et al 2015).

Yet when anthropologists asked these aforementioned people if they experienced problematic dark wakings, very few individuals saw it that way (Yetish et al 2015). Less than 3% of adults reported having sleep maintenance problems more than than once per yr.

Or take a recent sleep written report conducted on Hadza hunter-gatherers in East Africa.

Parents and other caregivers averaged approximatelytwo hours of "wake afterward sleep onset" each night (Crittenden et al 2018).

But none of these adults — each of whom shared a sleeping space with at least one babe or child — viewed themselves as sleep-deprived.

When asked, all of them said they were getting plenty sleep at night (Crittenden et al 2018).

Remarkably, this was true even for breastfeeding mothers. Merely having a babe — spending the night with a baby — didn't, by itself, cause sleep bug.

And while things might be dissimilar for you lot, it's worth noting: Fifty-fifty in modern, industrialized societies, infant dark wakings don't e'er cause trouble.

Night wakings without strife: Babies can awaken without making you miserable

Remember those boasting parents we mentioned earlier? The ones who claim their babies sleep through the night?

Strictly speaking, they're mistaken. Their babies are waking up at night, just similar everyone else'south. Only there is an important difference.

These babies aren't waking up their parents.

Thus, parents are incorrect to believe their babies don't wake up. But they may be accurate when they report a lack of slumber disruption.

And if you're thinking, "this isn't me — I always know when my babe awakens!" think again. A recent study — conducted in an urban, Westernized population — suggests that "under the radar" night wakings are pretty mutual.

The researchers measured slumber two ways — (i) by plumbing equipment infants with sensors, and (2) by asking parents for their subjective impressions. There were more than than 200 babies total, and information was collected in the infants' own homes, for v nights.

Did the researchers document lots of night wakings overall? You lot bet. But when researchers compared their objective measurements against the subjective, parental reports, at that place was a large mismatch.

Babies were waking up more often than their parents realized. The infants awoke spontaneously, remained relatively serenity, and fell back to sleep on their own — their parents none the wiser(Tikottzky and Volkovich 2019).

The design was axiomatic when the babies were just 3 months old. And in subsequent tests — when the babies were older — the gulf between objective and subjective measurements widened. Over time, parents became increasingly unaware of their children'southward night wakings.

So night wakings don't inevitably trigger slumber problems. People can experience well-rested despite awakening during the nighttime. And parents aren't ever bothered by their children's wakings. Information technology's but when a child fails to self-settle — and parents experience serious slumber disruptions — that we perceive dark wakings to be problematic.

But babies are unusually difficult, right? Why do babies wake up and so ofttimes?


Outset, in that location'south the baby's "inner clock."

Immediately afterward nascence, babies lack strong cyclic rhythms. Their slumber schedules tin can exist out of sync with the natural cycle of day and night.

2nd, young babies need to feed during the nighttime.

They are born hungry. Their stomachs are small. They demand to refill their tanks frequently to achieve the normal blueprint of chop-chop growth during the kickoff viii-12 weeks.

Third, babies have their own, distinctive sleep stages.

During the get-go 3 months postpartum, babies spend most of their slumber-time in a stage called "active sleep." It's the babe counterpart to REM, and it's especially restless. Babies twitch, thrash effectually, and even vocalize.

This tin can fool us into thinking our infants are awake. So we intervene, and, in doing so, nosotros rouse our babies from sleep. Nosotros've caused a nighttime waking! Alternatively, all that thrashing around tin sometimes cause an infant to awaken himself.

Put these three factors together, and we become a whole lot of wakefulness during the dark.

For instance, in a study that recorded the sleep patterns of good for you two- and 9-calendar month old infants, babies averaged 3 major awakenings each nighttime (Anders 1978).

And some other study institute that approximately 50% of four-month-old babies were waking their parents up at to the lowest degree once between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. (Henderson et al 2010).

What's the solution? How can we manage night wakings in young babies?

To some degree, nosotros simply have to be patient. These are developmental issues. But there are some things nosotros can practice to help.

For instance, when it comes to circadian rhythms, we can expose babies to powerful ecology cues. These will aid babies modulate their "inner clocks" more chop-chop. Read more than about information technology in my article about newborn sleep.

In improver, you might discover information technology easier to cope with nighttime meals if you try "dream feeding." For more about this approach, encounter this Parenting Science guide.

What near agile sleep? Dealing with all that dissonance, restlessness, thrashing?

Merely learning about it is helpful. Once you know the signs of active sleep, you can avoid swooping in too soon, and inadvertently waking your sleeping babe.

It's likewise possible that swaddling — practiced safely — can reduce the chances that your babe wakes him or herself upward (Gerard et al 2002; Franco et al 2005; Meyer and Erler 2001). For the details, see tip #4 in my article about opens in a new windowinfant sleep aids.

And when your baby's slumber patterns are driving you lot crazy, console yourself. Active sleep is probably doing something important for your baby.

One interesting theory is that babies twitch and move during slumber because their brains are decorated testing and mapping out the connections between nerves and skeletal muscles (Peever and Fuller 2017).

Some other idea is that active sleep is protective. Young infants are at special gamble for sleep-related breathing emergencies — emergencies believed to cause SIDS, or opens in a new windowsudden infant death syndrome. So spending fourth dimension in active slumber — a state in which babies are easily awakened — may help reduce this risk.

And what else? What if a babe wakes frequently, and fails to self-settle? What if an older kid keeps waking up?

Father awake at night with toddler, by Steve Johnson (flickr ccbysa2) opens IMAGE file

In that location are indeed other measures to take. Here are some evidence-based tips.

one. Make sure you aren't grooming your child to awaken.

If your kid wakes you up in the middle of the night, try to continue things dark, tranquillity, and calm.

You don't want it to plough into a social outcome — or a scolding session. Either scenario will heighten your child's alacrity. And if information technology happens repeatedly, your child may learn to associate awakening with these outcomes. You are training your child to get active and alarm in response to nighttime wakings!

ii. Scout out for nightlights and other sources of illumination — they can annul a kid'south natural drowsiness

As I note in this article, electrical lights and electronic devices emit wavelengths that interfere with the torso's production of melatonin, the hormone of drowsiness.

3. Use bedtime routines, and other tactics to help your child relax.

If you teach children to associate their beds with drowsiness and security, they will have an easier time settling themselves to sleep afterwards a dark waking. For help, see my article about opens in a new windowgentle sleep preparation.

In addition, bank check out these opens in a new window15 tips for better infant sleep, and my opens in a new windowtrouble-shooting guide to handling bedtime problems in infants and older children.

4. Talk to your doctor about any medical concerns.

A variety of medical conditions tin can cause nighttime wakings. These include

  • asthma (Fagnano et al 2011),
  • atopic dermatitis or eczema (Fishbein et al 2015),
  • bladder problems and bed-wetting,
  • gastric reflux, or heartburn (Lim et al 2018),
  • headaches (Tran and Spierings 2013; Long et al 2010; Zarowski et al 2007; Carotenuto et al 2005), and
  • sleep apnea.

If you observe signs of these issues, or otherwise suspect that your child is in hurting, be sure to consult with your doctor. For more than information about bed-wetting, come across opens in a new windowthis Parenting Science guide.

v. Don't ignore snoring.

Not every snore or snuffle is a sign of trouble. But in many cases, snoring is a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, ane the conditions mentioned above. And sleep apnea doesn't just crusade frequent night wakings. It can also restrict the oxygen supply to the encephalon and cause serious health issues (due east.g., Fukumizu et al 2005; Hiscock et al 2007; Shur-Fen Gau 2006).

So if y'all notice snoring — or other types of disordered breathing during slumber — talk to your doctor.

half-dozen. Address nighttime fears and separation anxiety.

Non surprisingly, kids with night fears are more probable to experience slumber disruptions (Petit et al 2006; Gregory et al 2005; Kushnir and Sadeh 2011; Meltzer et al 2013).

Some people think that sleep grooming is the respond, but there is no evidence that nighttime fears or separation anxiety will diminish every bit a effect of sleep grooming.

In fact, slumber preparation (similar the opens in a new windowFerber method) isn't designed to treat fear and anxiety. So if you implement sleep grooming alone, yous are effectively ignoring your child's fears. And that  tin can brand things worse.

Thus, information technology's important to have an agile role in teaching your child to overcome his or her fears. For more information, see this article on opens in a new windownighttime fears in children.

7. Pay attention to other sources of stress.

You don't have to suffer from night anxieties to experience sleep disruption. The stresses and anxieties that you feel during the daytime can have also have an impact.

For instance, children sleep more poorly when their parents are depressed (Ystrom et al 2017).

They experience more sleep disruptions when their parents fight (Rhoades et al 2012; El-Sheikh et al 2015).

And babies wake up more than ofttimes at night when they alive in socioeconomically deprived neighborhoods (Grimes et al 2019).

The takeaway? Kids are similar united states. Being stressed-out during the twenty-four hour period causes sleep problems at night. So pay attention to your child'due south stressors. Reduce sources of stress, and help your child cope. For tips, meet these Parenting Science manufactures:

  • opens in a new windowStress in babies: An testify-based guide to keeping babies calm, happy, and emotionally salubrious
  • opens in a new windowPositive parenting tips: Getting better results with sense of humour, empathy, and affairs
  • opens in a new windowEmotion coaching: Helping kids cope with negative feelings
  • opens in a new windowParenting stress: 10 show-based tips for making life meliorate

8. Learn how to handle nightmares and night terrors.

Both nightmares and nighttime terrors can crusade sleep disruption. Simply they are very singled-out phenomena.

Children having nightmares usually appear to be comatose. They might twitch; they might sigh. But they are usually lying in bed, eyes closed. And they are relatively quiet. When they wake upwards, they may remember the nightmare.

By contrast, children having night terrors oftentimes appear to exist awake. They might scream, cry, or talk. The might open their optics. They might sit down upward, or walk around. But they aren't fully conscious, and they rarely think these experiences later.

If nightmares or night terrors are the problem, y'all need to learn more about them. For more information, come across this Parenting Science article on opens in a new windownightmares and night terrors in children.

More than reading

For more evidence-based information, encounter this index to Parenting Science articles virtually sleep.

References: Nighttime wakings in children

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large image of eagle owl cropped from a photograph past opens in a new windowJenny Laird / flickr

prototype of infant sleeping female parent's arms by opens in a new windowToshimasa Ishibashi / flickr

small paradigm of eagle owl © Freder

image of waking young woman by opens in a new window Alyssa L Miller / flickr

image of medieval European mother and child by opens in a new windowHans Splinter / flickr

image of Hadza men by opens in a new windowRichard Mortel / flickr

small-scale image of eagle owl © Freder

epitome of father and toddler by Steve Johnson / flickr


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